Saturday, March 15, 2014

Tips For Surviving Cam Sites

1) Don't go on the sites. Improve your real life. 
2) Create your own website. Start networking with people of similar interests.
3) Have good music playing so you don't hang around and it's easier to move on from a bad cast or chatbox. This is the best hits of 60s-80s K-Earth 101. I highly suggest.
4) Put anyone you get bad vibrations from on ignore as soon as possible.
5) Delete people with bad vibrations from Facebook/Skype/Social site.
6) Don't talk to people you don't like and don't answer anything you don't want to answer.
7) Make yourself a nice snack to eat. Take a nap.
8) Go for a walk and say 'hi' to a stranger. This can be hard but it gets easier.
9) Toss bread crumbs to hungry birds as you stroll around. Get out of the house.
10) Have a contest with a friend - discover a cool website so you both can move on to better.
It's best to attract cool people by doing the things you enjoy rather convince people they are missing out.


Anonymous said...

The ones who live night and day at the shout box should follow your #1 tip.

Anonymous said...